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Don’t let the long nights darken your home.

Date: 07/12/15

As soon as the clocks go back, it seems instinctive to prepare ourselves for hibernation. Longer, darker nights creep in leaving homeowners and their occupants more vulnerable to burglary. Making sure your property is secured in the winter months is important as it will deter opportunistic criminals who will take advantage of the gloomier evenings.

Buildings that are enveloped in darkness are prime targets for thieves so reducing the risk to you and your property is essential. There are many security measures that can be implemented to keep your home safe, lighting being a prime example of this.

Security lighting should illuminate anything that moves close to your property. This is a big deterrent to potential thieves. Make sure that doorways and entrances to your home are well-lit, include security lights in the front and back gardens for extra protection too. The chief executive of the BSIA, James Kelley discussed the importance of ensuring that lighting is not so bright as to compromise the effectiveness of other security measures, such as CCTV.

Setting your indoor lights on a timer system is also useful, it will allude to there being someone at the property. The most effective way of doing this is to set up a number of timed lights in various rooms across the house. Alternate when they go on and off as a varied schedule will make it look more realistic. For example when the lights go out downstairs make sure a hallway or bedroom light is switched on upstairs. All of these measures will help to ward off the unwanted and make your home feel more secure.

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